Step by
Step Wealth Guide - Chapter 1 - Congratulations and Welcome

on joining one of the most powerful home businesses available today. In
this simple manual, we're going to show you some of the easiest and
fastest ways to grow your Global Domains International organization,
and income, using our powerful marketing DVD.
The hard work, testing and honing of these methods, has already been
done for you. All that's left for you to do is follow the easy steps
included in this manual and then train the people you introduce
to GDI how to do the same things you do.
In an inexpensive yet rewarding business like GDI, "duplication" is the
key to building an explosive organization that spans the entire globe.
Duplication simply means "using and teaching methods that ANYONE in
your organization can follow and use successfully".
The methods that will help you succeed are the ones that are effective,
easily teachable and easily learnable. If you are successful in
assembling a
team of affiliates who can duplicate your recruiting and training
you're in for a VERY pleasant surprise faster than you may realize.
Don't worry, no matter what your personal likes and dislikes are, or
even if you don't like to leave your home office - we have a method
that will work for you.
Next Chapter - Why
You Should Let the DVD do the Talking
Previous Chapter
Step-By-Step Wealth Guide