There's Got to Be an Easier Way to Build a Downline

QUESTION:  Are you tired of contacting people who juat are not interested in your business?

QUESTION: Are you tired of contacting huge numbers of people who could care less about your organization, just so you can talk to a couple of luke-warm prospects?

QUESTION:  Are you tired of buying leads only to learn that the contact data is wrong, the people don't exist, or a thousand other people got sold the same list of leads?

QUESTION:  Have you looked into generating your own leads only to either be confused and bewildered by a maze of interlocking tactics or else repulsed by the unethical or immoral aspects of the advertised recruiting process?

QUESTION:  Would you rather be someone who presents a business opportunity in an open and honest manner to a genuinely interested prospect, or someone who desparately offers the moon to ANYONE who will listen for a moment or two?

If you have been trying to generate leads to build a downline in a network marketing or Internet marketing business, I bet those questions hit close to home...and brought up some uncomfortable thoughts as well.

How can I be sure of this?

Because I have been in the same spot you are...or will be if you are thinking about joining some business which requires a steady stream of interested prospects for you to succeed.

Of course, I quit worrying about those sorts of questions quite some time ago when I discovered Mike Dillard's "Magnetic Sponsoring" system for prospecting and recruiting.

You see, Mike's method of prospecting and recruiting does several things at once:

1.  It takes the pressure off when it comes to finding interested prospects for my downline, because Mike gives me the tools and the training to effectively use his system.

2.  Magnetic Sponsoring enables me to not only catch their attention, but to gain their respect while I gather the information I need to identify and reach this potential prospect.

3.  It gives THEM the knowledge, information, training and tools THEY need in order to build their own downline.

4.  It pays me cold hard cash to help them acquire the training and tools they need to be successful in an Internet or network marketing business.

5.  It teaches them how to get paid to do the same thing that I do...


The process is simple.  In learning the Magnetic Sponsoring system, which includes some free videos to get you started, you will listen and watch as Mike explains clearly exactly how he went from "striking out" time after time to creating a system which actually gets people to PAY HIM for the privilege of learning about HIS business!

Think about this for a moment:

You can pay thousands of dollars for advertising to bring you a few wishy-washy tire-kickers in hopes of finding the one guy or gal who might actually produce a buck or can follow some simple and easy directions, give people some tools to help them grow a really big downline so that they can make money while making money for you...AND GET PAID FOR DOING IT.

If you're saying, "I need to think about it", you're in the wrong business.  Network marketing, which is really all that Internet marketing is in most cases, is not the place where you are going to get rich...or even make a small income online. You not only have to have the right tools, you have to be willing to use them!

If you are not at least willing to check out Mike's free videos before making your decision, you are most likely doomed to pour your hard earned cash into the money pit known as Internet marketing.

Here's a simple hard fact for you:

Ninety percent or more of the downline members you DO recruit will NEVER produce a single sale or prospect of their own.

Most of those, and some of the other ten percent, will just give up because the process of recruiting new downline members is like trying to fill a leaking bucket.  As fast as you get more members in, most of your older members will drop out.


Simple! They don't know how to build their own downlines.

However, with Magnetic Sponsoring, you will not only increase YOUR contacts with interested people, but you will learn how to provide them with the tools and training they need to RECRUIT AND RETAIN downline members of their own!!!!

There are now two things you can do...three, if you decide that network marketing, recruiting, building downlines and all that stuff is NOT for you.

1.  You can click here to go to a webpage with information about pet fish and quit worrying about this topic.

2.  You can click here to go to a webpage where Mike Dillard explains his Magnetic Sponsoring program in greater depth...or...

3.  You can click here to go to a webpage where you can access the series of FREE videos where you can begin to actually learn the Magnetic Sponsoring system.
  • If you hate the idea of cold-calling. 
  • If you hate the idea of bothering your friends and family...again...with another mlm or network marketing business. 
  • If you get chills and fever at the thought of approaching total strangers to "sell" them on your program. 
  • If you have no idea how to recruit yourself, and much less how to teach recruiting and prospecting skills to the downline you haven't built yet...

Then you need to check out Mike Dillard's "Magnetic Sponsoring".

Page Updated 4:54 PM Sunday 9/30/2012