Do It Yourself Legal Software
Life Partner Cohabitation Agreement

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About Life Partner Cohabitation Agreement Legal Forms Software

What is the Life Partner Cohabitation Agreement Legal Forms software?

All kinds of unmarried "Life Partners" who live together in a long-term situation (whether it is as a man and woman or as same-sex partners), often need to deal with highly important legal concerns such as finances, health care, property rights, and after-death transfer issues.

Unmarried people who live together often do not have the same legal structures, or protections, available to them as married people do. Therefore, it is important that the partner couple address these issues with some sort of comprehensive set of legal documents designed specifically to serve as a life partner cohabitation agreement package.

The Life Partners Cohabitation Agreements software from Standard Legal is just the comprehensive package required! Protect your property rights, your health care decisions and your peace of mind with Standard Legal's Cohabitation Agreements legal forms software!


Today, more and more unmarried couples are living together with no intention of getting married (or not having the ability to get married) for a great number of reasons. In most states in this country, the law usually does not recognize or give the Life Partners in such a relationship many - if any - legal rights. With this Standard Legal software, you and your Life Partner can enter into certain agreements with regard to your relationship and the property rights of each (and both) -- thereby offering each of you protection and peace of mind.


This life partner cohabitation lefal software is presently priced at $34.95, and is packaged with specific revisions and language for Life Partner situations. These legal forms can be used by a man and woman couple, or by same-sex partners. The following legal documents are provided with this Life Partner Cohabitation Agreements software:


Cohabitation Agreements have become the legal vehicle of choice for those living together as partners without the benefit of a formal or legal marriage.

A Cohabitation Agreement is a written contract entered into by two people prior to living together. The Agreement addresses the various financial and/or property issues that may arise during the cohabitation or relationship of the parties that must be resolved if the relationship ends. Reaching agreement on these difficult issues before they arise (and while the parties are not involved in disagreements or potential hostilities) can ease the stress and anxiety that often arises should the relationship reach that end.

There are two Cohabitation Agreement legal forms provided with this software; choose the form that best meets your needs:
  • Cohabitation Agreement with Specific Percentage Contribution;
  • Cohabitation Agreement with Equal Contributions.

This do-it-yourself legal software contains an Advanced Health Care Directive, which is both an evolution as well as a compilation of the traditional elements of a Durable Healthcare Power of Attorney and a Living Will.

An Advanced Health Care Directive can be used to make known certain decisions and preferences about health care and life-ending situations in a Life Partnership.

An Advanced Health Care Directive allows you to tell your doctor and your family members what kind of care you would like to have if you become unable to make medical decisions for yourself -- and what types of healthcare you would NOT like to have performed. The Advanced Health Care Directive allows you to designate more specifications than the traditional Living Will, which typically announces only your desire not to receive life-sustaining treatment if you are terminally ill or in a permanently unconscious state. An Advance Health Care Directive allows you to appoint someone you trust to speak for you when you are incapacitated.

Living Will

The Living Will portion of the accompanying document allows the Principal to request that artificial life-sustaining procedures be withheld or withdrawn when he or she is unable to make responsible decisions regarding medical care.

The software also contains a Durable Power of Attorney for Property, which allows the Principal the opportunity to designate a trusted advisor to handle the financial and property aspects of his or her life should a medical emergency or long-term situation arise.

This cohabitation agreement legal software kit also includes a Notice of Final Disposition document. This document allows you to describe your wishes as they pertain to funeral arrangements and the disposition of your bodily remains. Using this document permits you to declare your desires while you are alive for specific funeral arrangements and burial or cremation (or other processes) after death. This document should be provided to your loved ones now, relieving them of having to make these choices during a difficult time. If there is no Final Disposition document prepared in advance, the law in the state where you die generally determines who will decide how the remains are handled. This document allows you to make your wishes known in advance!

By using all of these documents wisely, a person can prepare specific, detailed instructions for family, partner and/or friends that will let them know exactly what to do should a healthcare emergency arise.


This Standard Legal LIfe Partner Cohabitation Agreement Software package allows non-married partners to quickly and easily create a comprehensive Last Will and Testament document that is tailored specifically to the partner's situation. In almost every state, a non-married partner will usually not receive any of the testator's property unless that person is named in the Will. As such, unless you create a Will providing that your property (some, part or all) and assets be provided to your Life Partner, your non-married partner may receive nothing under the law. As such, a Will is a powerful tool to allow your wishes to be fulfilled.

Types of Wills Provided in this Software:
  • Will for Single Person with Children, Property to Children;
  • Will for Single Person With No Children, Property to the Persons Named in the Will;
  • Will With Specific Gifting Provisions;
  • Will Directing Sale of Assets and Payment of Proceeds to Beneficiaries.

If you find that you need to transfer the ownership of real property from one person to another, you will need to prepare, sign and file a deed. A deed acts as the document showing the transfer of a piece of property from one person or party to another. Deeds can transfer property from one Life Partner to both Partners, or directly to the other partner if that is the wish of the property owner. To be effective, the deed must be filed or recorded with the recorder's office or real estate office in the county where the property is located. There is usually a fee for filing the deed and transferring the property.

Types of Deeds provided with this software:

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Do It Yourself Legal Forms Software

Web Page Copyright 2024 by Donovan Baldwin
Do It Yourself Life Partner Cohabitation Agreement Legal Forms Software
Page Updated 9:22 AM Thursday, February 8, 2024