While a last will and testament distributes and protects your property, heirs, and wishes after your death. A living trust, on the other hand, can do the same while you are alive and protect your property, heirs, and wishes before AND after your death.

Download Do It Yourself Living Trust Legal Forms & estate planning, difference between will and trust, benefits of a living trust, save legal fees, no lawyer needed, easy setup, additional documents necessary
While a last will and testament distributes and protects your property, heirs, and wishes after your death. A living trust, on the other hand, can do the same while you are alive and protect your property, heirs, and wishes before AND after your death.

While a last will and testament has its advantages and uses, there are some instances in which you may find a living trust a better option.

While your will provides for distribution and protection of assets, and the rights of heirs after your death, the revocable living trust can not only do that, but also do the same while you are still alive.

A living trust allows you to appoint someone to manage your assets and property, and follow your desires, before and after death. Additionally, in the event of an incapacitating illness or accident, your trustee can continue to manage things as you have set out in advance.

After your death, the trustee you have appointed will act as an executor. One great advantage is that a living trust does not have to wait for probate, as with happens with a last will and testament.

While a last will and testament distributes and protects your property, heirs, and wishes after your death. A living trust, on the other hand, can do the same while you are alive and protect your property, heirs, and wishes before AND after your death.

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