Making money online has certain requirements. You can try to skip having a website and worrying about, and paying for, stuff like SEO (Huh?) and advertising, but, those are the realities of having an Internet business....or are they?
Better Than SEO and Advertising
If you are trying to make money on the Internet, you usually will need a website, but, that's not all you need.
Better Than SEO and AdvertisingYou will usually need some obvious stuff, such as advertising, and some other stuff, not so obvious, such as SEO, which stands for search engine optimization...which...obviously...isn't as obvious.
At least to the new Internet business owner, trying to make money online for the first time.
So, let's talk about these two issues, SEO and advertising, both of which can be VERY expensive, and, maybe I'll let you in on a method that works for me that has two advantages over the "usual suspects".
The three advantages of using free traffic exchanges properly are that:
You can flood any website with tons of traffic, and...
You can do it for free, and...
You can make money while doing it!
How 'bout them apples?
In fact, what if you could use totally free methods to MARKET ANYTHING online, and GET PAID TO DO IT!
Beats the heck out of paying someone for SEO services which can get tricky if you don't know how to do it yourself, or advertising...which is going to cost an arm and a leg if done properly.
So, let's see:
You can pay to register a URL, pay to host your website, pay to have someone design it, pay to have someone else work on the search engine optimization of your website (because website desginer often don't DO SEO), and then pay someone to advertise the website...and cross your fingers and hope for success...
You can try the TEProfits method FOR FREE.
If you do that, you don't even really need a website, although you might want one, and, while the website needs to look nice if you have one, you don't really need to worry about advertising or SEO.
You WILL have to do a little sweat equity to get started, but, the instructions are simple, and all the marketing training and tools you could need are included.
Did I mention it's FREE?
It costs nothing to check out the TE Profits method, and FREE sure beats shelling out a ton of money for a website, SEO, and advertising only to find out that you are not really going to make money online like you thought.